PPP Loan에 대한 새로운 가이드라인이 6월 16일과 이번 월요일 6월 22일 발표 되었습니다.
** Loan탕감 계산중 Unclear하고 논란이 되었던 부분들을 다음과 같이 Clarify해 주었습니다.
추가로 간편한 EZ Forgiveness Application Form도 발행 되었습니다 ** 기간이 24주로 연장이 되기는 하였지만 이 기간안에 론을 모두 소진 하였을 경우에는 언제든지 탕감 신청을 할수 있음. 즉 탕감신청서를 제출하기 위해서 24주까지 기다리지 않아도 됨 ** FTE (Full Time Equivalent Employee) Reduction Safe Harbor (Exemption) – two more exemptions were added: (1) if the Company was unable to operate between Feb 15,2020 and the end of the Covered Period at the same level of business activity as before Feb 15, 2020 due to compliance with requirements established or guidance issued between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020, by the US government… (2) Inability to hire “similarly qualified” individuals to fill a spot. (Original 4 Exemptions)
(1) Employee rejected a rehire offer,
(2) Employee was fired for cause during the covered period,
(3) Employee requested a reduction in hours,
(4) Employee voluntarily resigned ** If a 24-week covered period applies, owner Compensation should not exceed 2.5 months’ worth of 2019 compensation, capped at $20,833 (연소득이 5만불 이였을 경우에는 $10,417까지만 수령 가능) If an 8-week covered period applies, owner compensation should not exceed 8 weeks’ worth of 2019 compensation, capped at $15,385 *** PPP Loan관련 기타 유의 사항 입니다.
EIDL Grant를 수령하신분은 탕감 금액시 이 금액을 차감 하시게 됩니다. 즉 이 금액은 상환을 하셔야 합니다.
Final Deadline for PPP Application is extended to 8/8/2020 Per the new guideline issued on the 2nd week of May, any foreign companies received the PPP loan despite the violation of affiliated group requirement will be grand-fathered as long as the loan proceeds were received prior to the issuance of the new guideline on the 2nd week of May 사업을 매각할 경우 PPP Loan을 반납 해야 함 2nd PPP Loan – No 65% payroll requirement 첫 PPP Loan을 모두 소진한 회사 전년도 대비 매출이 25% 감소 종업원 100인 이하 전년도 매출의 45%까지 가능 / $12M 7년만기 / 첫 2년 2~4%. Then 2.5%~6%간략히