In Loving Memory of Esther Jung / 온라인 모금운동

Esther Jung

12해를 살아온 동안

좋아하는 친구들도 , 아끼고 사랑하는 이웃들도  많고,

사랑 받던  소녀.. 에스더 정

소녀의 안타까운 소식은 또래의 아이를 둔 시카고 한인 커뮤니티의 학부모들을 충격의 소용돌이에 빠지게 했습니다.

자세한 소식 –

“ 몇 일전에 우리 집에서 자고 갔어요”

“같이 교회에서 놀았는데”

“같이 수영도 배우고”

“같이 맛있는 것도 먹었어요..”

… 아쉬운 통곡의 한숨 소리가 여기저기에서 들려옵니다

소녀를 위한 인터넷 모금 행사가 펼쳐지고 있습니다.

목회자 가정에서 하나님의 사랑을 배우며 살아온 소녀의 짦은 인생을 기억하며

많은 이들이 마음을 모아주고 있습니다.

그 귀한 아이를 기억하며 남은 가족을  위로하는 이들의 움직임을 응원해 주세요.

모금을 원하시는 분은 이곳을 눌러주세요.

Like every other Sunday, on January 20th 2019, Esther Jung (12) and friend, Sophia (9) were at their home church in Arlington Heights. When service ended, they went outside to play in the snow. An hour passed and when they didn’t return, their families went looking and found them buried in the snow. The girls had been playing in a snow fort and the snow bank had collapsed above them. 

Esther, the cherished youngest daughter of the pastor of the church was pronounced dead at 4:30 pm that same Sunday. 

The family is in shock and beyond devastated. Esther’s father is the pastor of the church and the family lives on that income alone. The funds raised will go towards funeral costs and to support Esther’s family in this time of need.

On a personal note, this is the church my parents attend and my own 3 daughters have visited many times. Our eldest was friends with Sophia and we are mourning this tragic loss. 

모금을 원하시는 분은 이곳을 눌러주세요.